Offertory Envelopes

During mass, we have a regular Offertory Collection. This is the most common way our parishioners make donations to the church.  The Parish is very grateful for your generosity but […]
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During mass, we have a regular Offertory Collection. This is the most common way our parishioners make donations to the church.  The Parish is very grateful for your generosity but we can help you make your donations work harder!

Offertory envelopes allow you to formalise your regular giving to the parish. If you give via the offertory envelopes we can also claim back some of the tax that is paid on your earnings making your gift more valuable to the parish using Gift Aid. If you are interested in having envelopes or would like to update your details please contact our parish Gift Aid organiser using the form below.

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More News and Information

Remembering Canon Pat Hartnett: A Tribute to a Beloved Parish Priest

The parish was saddened to hear of the death of our past parish priest, Canon Pat Hartnett, last night (Thursday, July 25th). Canon Pat Hartnett at the first Mass in our new...

Parish and School Summer Fayre

Come and join us at our Schook and Parish Summer Fayre. Entry is free.

The importance of the Easter Triduum

The Triduum (Three days) of Easter are the most important of the Church’s year. They celebrate and summarise the mystery of our salvation and redemption.

The new issue of The Voice is available

April's Catholic Voice will be available in the church starting this weekend. Don't forget to pick up your free copy! Special thanks to all the people who do a great job helping distribute the paper. You can also read the paper online....

Our Final Lent Lunch

Our Final Lenten Lunch was today for the children and families of Yr5&6. We have enjoyed this Lenten Lunch Journey with our school family from St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Primary. We thank them for their kindness today and for giving a lovely surprise to the...

Pre-loved uniform stall after Mass

Over the next few weeks, a pre-loved uniform stall will be held at the church starting this weekend! All are welcome, and we have uniforms available from nursery all the way up to Y6, including jumpers, PE kit and other items. We ask if you can make a small donation;...

Invite to 2nd annual Rosary Rally

All are invited to attend the 2nd annual rosary rally and procession on the 29th of July.

Happy Birthday Canon Alan

Happy Birthday Canon Alan

Changes in Mass times from this week

From Monday, the 1st of May 2023, Canon Alan is taking over responsibility as parish priest for our neighbouring parish, St. Mary and St. Romuald, in Yarm. Parish Mass times will be changing to ensure Canon Alan can support the requirements of both Parishes. There...

St Therese of Lisieux Primary School Lenten Walk

We’ve set ourselves a challenge for our school to walk 40 miles during Lent. Every day we’ll take steps towards our target.

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