Catholic Life and Safeguarding
“Being loved and kept safe go to the very heart of the Church’s ministry to children & vulnerable adults”(Cumberledge)
Every human being has value and dignity, which we, as Catholics, recognise as coming directly from God’s creation of male and female in his image and likeness. Our parish, therefore, is a place of welcome, where each person is respected and loved, and in which we receive and share our unique gifts. Our parish is a community where we support and protect each other. We take particular care of those who may be vulnerable because of age, illness or disability or because of recent or past-life experiences.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about attitudes and activities which promote the dignity, well-being and safety of those who participate in any activity facilitated by the Church. Therefore:
- Church activities must be well planned with sufficient support and suitable facilities so that avoidable risks are foreseen and minimised
- All who work in Church ministries must be carefully selected, know what is expected of them and be willing to ask for help when unclear or anxious about their role.
Safeguarding is about responding when there are concerns that someone may not be safe or secure by:
- Being able to respond confidently and proportionately to concerns about the safety or well-being of a vulnerable member of our Church.
- When required involve other organisations – so our response to concerns is robust.
- Care for those hurt by abuse in the past
- Ministering to and managing those who have caused harm.
If you have any concerns around safeguarding in the parish please contact our parish safeguarding lead, Kerry Roberts, using the contact information below.
If you would like more information, please follow the following links:
Middlesbrough Diocese Safeguarding team:
National Catholic Safeguarding Commission:
Kerry Roberts
Parish Safeguarding Lead
Kerry is responsible for all aspects of safeguarding within the parish. Working alongside the Parish Priest, she ensures that all those who require DBS checks to be completed as part of their parish ministry are able to do this.
She can be contacted at: [email protected]