Read the CARITAS Diocesan Newsletter

This is the 2nd edition of our Diocesan Caritas newsletter, containing a wealth of articles about the various ways the Church’s Social Teaching (the work of “Caritas”) is being put […]
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17 Apr, 2021CARITAS, Diocese, News

This is the 2nd edition of our Diocesan Caritas newsletter, containing a wealth of articles about the various ways the Church’s Social Teaching (the work of “Caritas”) is being put into practice across our diocese, as well as some input on that Teaching.

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The new issue of The Voice is available

The new issue of The Voice is available

April's Catholic Voice will be available in the church starting this weekend. Don't forget to pick up your free copy! Special thanks to all the people who do a great job helping distribute the paper. You can also read the paper online....

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