The Parish has teamed up with Dona to offer the ability to donate to the parish using contactless and online donations.
Since our Virgin MyDonate site went offline last year we have not been able to take online donations, we now have a new way of allowing our virtual parishioners to contribute to the parish.
Since the lockdown, more and more people are using contactless methods of paying for goods in shops and parishioners have been asking if we can also have a contactless option for donations at Church.
The Dona system includes an easy to use contactless device which will be situated at the entrance to the Church. The system also enables you to register for Giftaid which increases the value of your donation by 25%.
The Device should be installed during Holy Week and we will be publishing more information on how to use the system in the near future.
If you would like to make a Donation to our Online Giving Page please click the button below.