Diocesan Youth Congress

Middlesbrough Diocesan Youth Congress 2014 – Called to a Noble Adventure The first diocesan Youth Congress takes place on Saturday 29th March 2014 at Trinity Catholic College, Middlesbrough from 10am […]
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17 Feb, 2014Uncategorized

Middlesbrough Diocesan Youth Congress 2014 – Called to a Noble Adventure

The first diocesan Youth Congress takes place on Saturday 29th March 2014 at Trinity Catholic College, Middlesbrough from 10am – 3.15pm.

The Congress will be centered around the launch of the national vision for Catholic Youth Ministry set out in ‘Called to a Noble Adventure’, a document produced by CYMFed, the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation in England and Wales. The Congress will be a chance to build our own vision based upon it.

Fr Dermott Donnelly, Director of Youth Services of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese, and current Chair of CYMFed, the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation in England and Wales will be the keynote speaker.

Fr Dermott has been in full-time Catholic Youth Ministry for over 15 years and has a wealth of experience. He remains passionate about young people and their relationships with God, each other and the Church.

Parish priests, catechists, youth group leaders, head teachers, teachers, chaplains and anyone with an interest in youth ministry is to invited to attend and share in the development of youth ministry in the diocese.

Timetable for the day

10.00am: Coffee and Registration

10.30am: Introduction and Keynote Speech

11.30am: Workshop 1

12.30pm: Lunch and Market Place

1.30pm: Workshop 2

2.30pm: Conclusion and Closing Liturgy

3.00pm: Closing Liturgy

3.15pm: Coffee and Depart


There will be a range of workshops to choose from to cater for all needs and interests. Once numbers have been finalised, attendees will be emailed or contacted by other means with a choice of workshops to register for.

For more information, see http://mymission.org.uk/non-mission-work/youthcongress2014 or contact Dom Finn, Youth Service Co-ordinator at d[email protected] or 01642 529102.

To book a place click here.



We would be grateful for any donations of non-perishable items brought into school on Friday, October 18th, ready for our Harvest Mass at St Therese of Lisieux Parish on Sunday, October 20th, at 11 a.m.
All are welcome to attend!
Thank you for your continued support!

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