Our Commissioning and study Day for both Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of the Word will be held at The Spa Conference Centre in Scarborough on Saturday 10th September 2022. Our day will be led by the Madonna House Community from Robin Hood’s Bay.
This year we are commissioning all existing ministers and any new ministers or those that have not as yet been commissioned.
The day will begin with registration at 9.30 am and will end after Mass. This will mean a departure time of approximately 3.00 pm. As you know, everyone commissioned as a Minister of the Word and Holy Communion is expected to attend at least one study day each year. This will be the only such day offered in our Diocese this year and will be combined with the Commissioning of all Ministers of the Word and Holy Communion so please encourage them to put the date in their diaries.
Please contact Canon Alan if you would like to book in for this and we would encourage all current ministers to attend.